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This is set to be a truly transformational retreat as we clear the chakras, and work through all obstacles standing in our way from stepping forward as our true authentic, powerful selves.


Advancing our practice and finding our flow as we bring in more playfulness, grace and strength into our practice and our lives off the mat.


Learning how to use the breath as a tool to relax, to tap into the para-sympathetic nervous system, in order to reduce stress and anxious thoughts.


Using hypnotherapy to increase confidence and self-esteem, enabling you to step into your personal power and communicate effectively with those around you.


illuminate and soar

the practice

Thursday- Becoming the witness and finding balance

Taking our seat as the witnesser, becoming aware of the energies that arise in the body throughout our practice, as we tune into and balance the masculine and feminine energy within.


Friday- Root down and step into the flow

Finding our flow with a hip opening, undulating fluid practice, raising the energy of the first 2 chakras.  Balancing, clearing and aligning the root and sacral chakra, as we release trapped traumas and emotions stored here, healing the inner child.


Saturday- Fire in the heart and throat

Concentrating on the solar plexus, heart and throat chakras we will be creating heat and stepping forward with confidence into our power. This strong heart opening juicy flow will be focused on building the strength to open the heart in a safe way enabling you to deepen your backbends. Using this heat to break down the walls around the heart, to enable us to receive and give love from a place of deserving abundance. In the evening session we will be using the power of sound to find our voice through devotional chanting and kirtan with our special surprise guest.


Sunday- See with clear vision and connect to the crown.

Tuning into and learning to listen to our intuition, as we go beyond our limits, releasing our fears and learning to invert. This strong class will be inversion focused as we learn how with the use of the breath, the right technique and strengthening drills we can quickly progress in our inversion practice. Playing upside down and changing our perspective. The evening class will be a connecting to the higher- self hypnotherapy session.

Monday – Illumination

Implementing all we have learned as we fire through all chakras and get ready to soar…


All our practice will be suitable for all levels, although some previous experience of yoga is required. Mornings will be a strong, playful vinyasa practice and the evenings will be slow, surrendering restorative or yin sessions followed by hypnotherapy session on the chakras. Hand balances and inversions will be taught throughout the morning sessions, however this does not mean you have to be an expert already. Modifications for beginners and opportunities to advance for more advanced practitioners will be given ensuring everyone has the opportunity benefit from the practice.


The following can be arranged at an extra cost. Booking in advance will be required.


Beauty treatments (manicure, pedicure, facial etc)

Horse Riding

Surf Lesson

Paddle boarding

Reiki Healing

Hands on awakening

Tarot card reading

Askashic records reading

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